

DigitalNote (XDN) (formerly known as duckNote and DarkNote) is a decentralized private cryptocurrency. It is based on CryptoNote anonymous technology and has a unique untraceable encrypted messaging system with blockchain based staking for a defined period.

DigitalNote provides instant worldwide privacy protected transactions and untraceable encrypted messaging transfers with extremely low processing fees in a decentralized peer-to-peer network. Mathematics secures the XDN network and empowers individuals to control their own finances and information. Your private key gives you access to your funds with no central censorship, surveillance or intervention. XDN offers the freedom to transact in total privacy.

At the time of writing this article, DigitalNote cryptocurrency was traded on the following exchanges:


The history of DigitaNote cryptocurrency started in May 30, 2014 when the “duckNote” cryptocurrency was launched. It was one of the first cryptocurrencies to start using CryptoNote protocol and aiming to establish a truly secure and private digital asset. In September 2014 ducknote was rebranded and the DarkNote cryptocurrency was introduced. It was a significant upgrade that provided a number of new and significant features.

Darknote features were:

  • CPU-efficient mining
  • Multi-signature support
  • Unlinkable transactions
  • Blockchain analysis resistance
  • ASIC resistance
  • Encrypted messaging

DarkNote was further improved and changed the name to DigitalNote. DigitalNote improved upon the DarkNote features, fixed a number of bugs and introduced new technological solutions. DigitalNote is a community-driven project and changed its core development team several times, however, most of the developers are anonymous. DigitalNote offers merged-mining compatible with Monero and is powered by the CryptoNight7 algorithm. However, mining and exchange are not the only ways of gaining DigitalNote coins. DigitalNote offers staking option which is performed by locking some amount of funds for a determined period of time. It provides the network with some stability and encourages users to make long-term investments in the project. DigitalNote wallet is available as both console and graphic wallet solution for the users of the cryptocurrency.

Some additional history behind DigitalNote XDN – Written by Coke Zero

DigitalNote has always been a decentralized blockchain and an open source project and it still remains as so. The code is available for anybody to improve upon and the team is open to new feature proposals. We are also always on the prowl for talented individuals who have the work ethic to back it up. That being said…

To understand the current decisions and future of DigitalNote one must first understand the context of the project in the past. DigitalNote was founded as DuckNote in May 2014 by an individual(s) named dNote. Although the individual sometimes implied that there was more than just one developer, I think that most would realistically agree that dNote was actually the only developer (as there was never any proof of anyone else). He managed to keep up the facade quite well up until the first month of 2017 when he announced an “ICCO” (Initial Crowdfunded Coin Offering, in his words) and then disappeared for 6 months leaving the community behind for good. It wasn’t the first time he disappeared (he had done so in the past) but this time was different. He was never to return to and no more DigitalNote updates were ever released by him after that.

Users were rightfully concerned about this ICCO as it did not sound realistic or achievable. The community began to split into pieces. He had promised that “institutional investors, banks, insurance companies, pensions, hedge funds, endowments and mutual funds” were about to invest in XDN and said that by March 2017 this would occur. Well, March 2017 came and went and there was not even a whisper from him on any public platform. I, personally, even sent him encrypted messages via XDN and while in the past he had responded to me he wasn’t anymore. However, suddenly and coincidentally, right when the cryptocurrency market started to boom again halfway through 2017 he made a small appearance in or around June. There was a new roadmap uploaded onto the website along with additional information for the so-called ICCO (even though it was almost half a year after he originally stated it would occur). While he never posted on bitcointalk again, a community was started on Ryver (a chatroom application) and he attempted to execute the ICCO phase. After the ICCO totally failed and virtually nobody but suckered-fans bought into it, the so called roadmap rotted into obscurity with none of the updates ever being achieved and dNote was never heard from again by anybody. The coin was essentially stagnant and the community was destroyed. I personally think that he was never honest with the community and that he was likely trying to pull a quick one on the community for easy money. It is also telling that he worked with HitBTC directly to pull this off… at the time he had a last-ditch community of fans that attempted to help him revive the coin and help with marketing, logos and anything else. He never responded to any of it and never let anybody in the community actually participate in the development process. Even this last-ditch team of XDN’s most loyal fans and developer-types felt doublecrossed and disappointed. I know this because I was one of them. The community was finally shattered once and for all. I personally wrote off the project as a loss at the time but kept my stack out of laziness and hope.

In early 2018 I received a message from an Aussie across the sea who wanted to rebirth DigitalNote and make XDN great again. I was hesitant because of my past experiences with the coin and it’s now-terrible publicity, but I decided to take a chance. I decided to join this new team and we began fixing DigitalNote in an attempt to revive it. The team struggled to form because of the splintered community. Many users expressed excitement but lacked talent and devotion. We managed to release a few updates that essentially saved the coin but in the end, it was literally just 2 of us who were dedicated and skilled enough to remain. How’s that for a community? Anyway, it was a hard half a year and we struggled to provide new features and solid progress besides important patches and fixes because the protocol was in such bad shape. We couldn’t add features because the core code had so many issues. We achieved a fork in mid-2018 to update the Proof-of-Work algorithm to become consistent with Monero’s algorithm so that users could again dual-mine Monero and DigitalNote together. This patch also allowed pools to open again, which had been non-existant for over a year! How’s that for network security? Somehow only Minergate had a working pool and could thus attack the network as they wished. Sort of an odd coincidence, eh? The coin was indeed 51% attacked and timestamp attacked then and again at multiple points throughout the year. As soon as we patched the Proof-of-Work algorithm we wanted to begin feature upgrades, but as I said the community was dead and only two devs remained on the project–both of us with strong IT skills (among other things) but neither of us who were capable to be full time programmers for such an important project with a $100 million+ marketcap ($600 million at the peak). Just when we thought we could settle down from the last fork, a previously undiscovered bug hit XDN. Blocks were somehow producing 320,000 XDN per block instead of 150 XDN. We identified the issue and patched the bug within a week or so. This bug had existed througout DigitalNote’s whole existence without being discovered until it heavily affected the network (including the original chain). Not good. This is the bug that crumbled Minergate, since they did not support our forked efforts and wished to remain on the old, broken chain. Anyway…this proved to us that the code was not trustable and we had no idea what the founder’s original intentions were. If we were to actually spend our own free time on this project, it made no sense to do so on such a shoddy foundation. To be honest with you, the “team” struggled to get by and XDN was nearly dead again. Many people acted like they wanted to help but when they were actually invited to the team 90% of them would disappear or do nothing. Nobody wanted to work for free on such a disgraced coin. The “open team” format was clearly not working and the times had changed. The industry evolved to be much different than it was in 2014.

Long story short, we finally acquired talent and leadership in the second half of 2018 and formed a plan for success. Members that we were acquiring were finally beginning to stick around (some more so than others) and we finally began to share a vision of the future of DigitalNote together. XDN wallets had been disabled on HitBTC for well over 6 months and Bittrex wallets were experiencing some new undiscovered bug that didn’t allow them to open up their wallets. To be frank, if you read and understand the reality and history of XDN as it has occurred you would understand why the new team was taking a radical approach in order for XDN to survive.

XDN broke the shackles of its stubborn and unreliable Cryptonote technology of the past, ushering in a new, fairer world with a total code rebase to include features from Bitcoin and DASH that would secure the long term future of XDN.

DigitalNote XDN’s brand new Proof-Of-Work/Proof-Of-Stake (PoW/PoS) hybrid blockchain was created to improve security and blockchain stability both unifying and expanding possibilities in doing so while bolstering security and protection from a 51% attack. Delegates are incentivized to run Masternodes that help process and further validate network transactions. Not only is DigitalNote a more autonomous system, it is also more efficient and effective. The unique selection of block creators allows transactions to be validated in a matter of seconds, rather than the 10 minutes it takes the proof of work system employed by Bitcoin.

The new code base also introduced a small XDN project fund to help with development and project costs. This is mined as a by product of every block that is mined where 50 XDN is added to the fund. It allows the team to pay for listings, marketing and anything else that might arise in the future to keep the coin afloat.

The big challenge was to allow the community to swap the old XDN coins for the new XDN coins. This was not a simple process as the old codebase was flaky and we had no way of telling which address was active or even had a balance. Users were given a 6 month window to manually swap their coins. The exchange like Bittrex were easy to swap and our community had to wait 7 more months whilst HitBTC swapped their coins to the new blockchain. User with coins on HitBTC Minergate and Freewallet were now safe from losing their coins.

At the end of the swap, 3,000,000,000 XDN were burnt, leaving a total circulatory supply of just over 5,300,000,000 XDN.

Additionally we welcome user-run Masternodes to the network to provide further network stability to transactions. The collateral required to operate a Masternode is 2,000,000 XDN (more technical information is available in the resource section). At the time of writing, more than 50 Masternodes exist on the network.


  • Instant Transactions
  • Resistance to 51% Attacks
  • Masternode Network
  • Proof-of-Work + Proof-of-Stake
  • VRX v3.0 Difficulty Retargeting Algorithm
  • Lightweight/Mobile Blockchain
  • Adaptive Block Sizes

Join us on Social Media Discord: Telegram: Twitter: Reddit: Facebook: Medium: Steemit:

Pools Full list of current pools:

Official Links Github: Block Explorers: CoinMarketCap:

Join us on Social Media – Over 23,500 Community members follow XDN and over 16,000 reads of our official page Discord: 1,445 Members Telegram: 511 Members Twitter: 843 Followers Reddit: 3,918 Readers Facebook: 688 Followers 16,000 reads Community Based accounts: 9,448 followers 48 Followers 5,988 Followers 788 Members


DigitalNote coin price

The price of XDN token or DigitalNote coin is always chaining, however, BitcoinWiki gives you a chance to see the prices online on Coin360 widget.


Specification Value
Total supply 10,000,000,000 Less 3,000,000,000 burnt. New hard cap – 7,000,000,000 XDN
Block reward 300 XDN
Block time 2 minutes
Consensus algorithm Proof of Work/Proof of Stake and Masternodes
Mining algorithm bmw512 (Wish) – ASIC resistant
PoS algorithm Echo512 — ASIC resistant
Minimum enforced block spacing 45 seconds
Maximum block spacing (soft limit) 3.17 minutes
Confirmations required to spend 15
Masternode collateral 2,000,000 XDN
Block reward 300 XDN (PoW + PoS + dev allocation)
Block reward split 250 XDN PoW + PoS see-saw, 50 XDN dev allocation
Difficulty retarget VRX v3.0 w/ hybrid chain swing
CodeBase origins BTC 0.11 + reference source + custom XDN features (dynamic
Masternode swing base 100 XDN/block
Masternode swing peak 200 XDN/block

See also

External links